
The Writer’s Guild of Astoria’s Writer-in-Residency

The Writer's Guild

The Writer’s Guild of Astoria is accepting submissions for their Writer-in-Residency program through April 30, 2022. The program, a collaboration with Astoria Visual Arts, is a week-long retreat at the home of Lisa Smith and Buzz Bissinger which enables the resident to work on creative writing endeavors undisturbed by the outside world while enjoying the beauty of Willapa Bay.

The residency provides writing time and space in an idyllic setting to make substantial progress on a significant writing project. Writers of novels, short stories, nonfiction, plays, memoir, poetry, screenplays, and hybrid manuscripts will be considered.

Visit the website to learn how to apply and more about The Writer’s Guild.

Astoria Weekend Amusements (14-17 April, 2022)

A weekend of music, philosophy, and theater to entertain and amuse us.


Wit & Wisdom: The Philosophical Significance Of Architecture

Fort George Thursday Night Lecture Series

Join Ian Storey and Seth Tichenor as they present Wit & Wisdom: The Philosophical Significance Of Architecture in the Lovell Showroom at Fort George Brewery (1438 Duane Street).

We often think about the buildings and structures around us in fundamentally practical terms – their usefulness or economic value. But is this all there is to architecture?

Philosofarian brings Wit & Wisdom to Fort George every 2nd Thursday of the month.

Doors open at 6pm, and food & beverages are available. This event is all ages and there is no cover!

Live Music: Amber Hope, Floating Caravan

Merry Time Bar and Grill

Merry Time Bar & Grill (995 Marine Drive) presents live music by Amber Hope, incredible local voice and ukelele craft with soulful vocals and Portland mystical psychedelic jazz folk band Floating Caravan this Thursday, April 14. There’s no cover for this show, which starts around 7pm.

The Merry Time is your friendly neighborhood bar with great burgers, tacos, and daily specials. 14 taps featuring mostly local breweries, the largest pinball selection on the North coast, lottery, pool, big screen tvs for games, big buck hunter. Locally owned and operated, eclectic and welcoming to all.


CRS Presents: The Sounds of Civilization

Columbia River Symphony

The Columbia River Symphony presents The Sounds of Civilization this Friday, April 15 at the Liberty Theater (1203 Commercial) at 7pm. The show is free!

Columbia River Symphony presents a unique concert that depicts the Industrial Era of human history through the Sounds of Civilization. The music portrays the beauty and the unknown nature of unexplored regions of the world at a time when the mandate for expansion dominated this new era of human history.

Doors open at 6pm. Masks are strongly encouraged. Visit the Liberty’s Health & Safety page for details.


Stupid F#!*ing Bird

The Ten Fifteen Theater

Astoria’s Ten Fifteen Theater (1015 Commercial) presents a staged reading of Aaron Posner’s play Stupid F#!*ing Bird this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, April 15-17, 2022.

An aspiring young director rampages against the art created by his mother’s generation. A nubile young actress wrestles with an aging Hollywood star for the affections of a renowned novelist. And everyone discovers just how disappointing love, art, and growing up can be. In this irreverent, contemporary, and very funny remix of Chekhov’s The Seagull, Aaron Posner stages a timeless battle between young and old, past and present, in search of the true meaning of it all.

The Friday and Saturday show are at 7:30pm, and the Sunday show is at 3:30pm, and includes a talkback immediately after the performance. Tickets $15 and are available online or at the door. Makes sure to check the theater website before the show for the latest COVID policies.