
Shanghaied in Astoria is the greatest show west of the Coast Range!

Shanghaied in Astoria is the greatest show west of the Coast Range!

Performances of the 39th season of Astor Street Opry‘s Shanghaied in Astoria are running through August 20, 2023.

Shanghaied in Astoria is a vaudeville-esque musical melodrama set in mid-summer 1904, around the time of the annual Scandinavian Midsummer Festival.  Eric Olson, our Norwegian hero, sets out to rescue his sweetheart Miss Virginia Sweet, who is a ward of the villainous Max Krooke.

Visit the website for ticket purchase options.  The Astor Street Opry company theater is located at 129 W Bond Street.

Shanghaied in Astoria is the greatest show west of the Coast Range!

Shanghaied in Astoria is the greatest show west of the Coast Range!

Performances of the 39th season of Astor Street Opry‘s Shanghaied in Astoria are running through August 20, 2023.

Shanghaied in Astoria is a vaudeville-esque musical melodrama set in mid-summer 1904, around the time of the annual Scandinavian Midsummer Festival.  Eric Olson, our Norwegian hero, sets out to rescue his sweetheart Miss Virginia Sweet, who is a ward of the villainous Max Krooke.

Visit the website for ticket purchase options.  The Astor Street Opry company theater is located at 129 W Bond Street.

Astoria Weekend Amusements (June 23-26, 2022)

Quaff some beer and edify yourself at the bonus Fort George Thursday Talk about the Beeswax Shipwreck, go see the play Birds of a Feather, and enjoy the hottest (so far!) Astoria Sunday Market of the year!


The Beeswax Shipwreck

Fort George Thursday Night Lecture Series

Join Scott Williams & Dr. James Delgado this Thursday, June 23, 2022 in the Lovell Showroom at Fort George Brewery (1438 Duane Street) as they present a bonus Thursday TalkThe Beeswax Shipwreck at 7pm.

[L]earn about the famed Beeswax Shipwreck – a 300-year-old shipwreck discovered in sea caves just north of Manzanita. Scott Williams and Dr. James Delgado will take us through how archaeologists determined the wrecked ship was the Santo Cristo de Burgos, how the shipwreck was discovered, what we will learn from it, and more. Doors to the Lovell Showroom open at 6pm with food and drinks available via the Taproom window. Guest taps featuring Buoy Beer available in all areas across the block! 

Presenter Scott Williams is the Project Director of the Beeswax Wreck Project, and President of the Maritime Archaeological SocietyDr. James Delgado is an internationally known underwater archaeologist and maritime historian and is the Senior Vice President at SEARCH, Inc., which helps support MAS and the Beeswax Wreck Project.

Doors open at 6pm, and food & beverages are available. This event is all ages and there is no cover!


Birds of a Feather

Birds of a FeatherBirds of a Feather, a play by Marc Acito and directed by Ann Bronson, is the latest production of the Ten Fifteen Theater (1015 Commercial), continues this week with shows at 7:30pm on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, June 23, 24, 25.

Birds of a Feather recounts the story of Roy and Silo, the two Central Park Zoo chinstrap penguins who partnered, adopted an egg, hatched and raised a chick together. Roy and Silo are no strangers to the spotlight. In 2005, they were the subject of a widely contested children’s book, And Tango Makes Three, by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson. The book, temporarily pulled from school bookshelves in Loudoun County, became one of the most banned books in the US.

Tickets $20 and are available online or at the door. Makes sure to check the theater website before the show for the latest COVID policies.


Astoria Sunday Market

Astoria Sunday Market

The Astoria Sunday Market runs from 10am to 3pm every Sunday through mid-October on 12th Street downtown, between Marine Drive and Exchange.

Astoria Sunday Market, at the heart of Astoria’s Downtown, combines fresh produce, local arts & crafts, food, music and more in a lively downtown street market atmosphere. The market features up to 200 vendors each week offering locally-made products that have been hand-crafted, grown, created or gathered by the farmers, craftspeople and artisans featured each week. In addition, the Market has a lively food court with regional entertainment making this the gathering place each Sunday for locals and visitors to the region.